Thursday, June 30, 2005

Blueberry season?

Blueberries have never been this early! Was it the early spring? Then, why aren't all 7 blueberry bushes bearing plump deep purple fruits? Yes, only one of my bushes are producing edible fruits.

I'm not complaining!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Here's my clarity!

I've been digging and measuring all morning.

Now comes the dreaming stage... scented lavendar, sweet sage, creeping thyme...oh yah it's endless!

Clarity! Is it a form of madness?

I have clarity! Straight lines, traditional herbs, 4 entrances (or exits depending how you view the world) my front yard is transforming before my very eyes.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

rototiller mania!

My yard has changed forever! As I sit here, hoping my two boys will get themselves ready for bed (not likely)! I can hear the roar of the rototiller out front. My husband is tearing up the yard. I have plans...big plans!

My luscious strawberries